The 2023 election ballot is now available to vote.
Please see below a small bio of the 3 nominees.
Lisa has lived in the subdivision for 23 years and was elected to the Board in March 2022. Lisa works professionally as an accountant and has been instrumental in overseeing the finances of the Harvest Hill Homeowners Association. Lisa has helped bring the association to a Board Managed association allowing us to make quicker decisions and faster turnaround on issues facing our community. With Lisa’s project management skills, she has kept the Board on task and moving forward.
Scott Goodale has been serving on the Board of Directors for over 7 years. Scott brings great experience and insight to the Board with his knowledge of the subdivision. Scott is a results-oriented person by nature, with experience in Project Management. He has taken on the role of managing our pond and serving as the liaison with our contractors who treat the pond. Scott continues to be a key
player in our association being managed by the Board and has helped to reduce costs to the homeowners.
Jarrod Smith joined the Board in March 2022. Jarrod is a Certified Public Accountant and has been volunteering his time, expertise and software capabilities to the association. Jarrod manages the day-to-day finances of the association and has brought opportunities to the Board to cuts cost and increase revenue without negatively effecting the homeowners. For the entire year 2022 the association only brought in $113.97 of interest income under prior management. With Jarrod’s cashflow management skills, 2023 year to date the association has already brought in $581.40 of interest income and is projected to bring in over $2,000 additional revenue.
Let's continue to improve our community. The election ballot is now available, just click this link:
Deadline to vote is June 8, 2023
Thank you.
Harvest Hill Board
To clarify, the first statement is noting that you are not voting by "proxy". In the past, the HOA had proxy votes. Illinois State Statutes no longer allow Board elections to be done by proxy. However, we still need to have a quorum of homeowners "present" for the meeting. Which per our bylaws comes out to be about 18 homes. Since we don't always have 18 homeowners physically present for the meetings, Question 1, if checked allows us to count you present for purpose of the quorum and record your vote as you direct in question 2.
I was confused initially, but now I understand it to mean you need to check number one so that your vote will count regardless of if you are in attendance at the June meeting or not.
Your ballot might not be correct? We have to choose both 1 and 2 - so you have to vote and indicate you're not voting.